Our Partners

JLI is a multi-stakeholder initiative that draws contributions from diverse constituencies. Participants, both organizations and individuals, gain an opportunity to learn more about human resources in health and development while assuming the responsibility to contribute in a manner consistent with their assets and capabilities. Among the partners are learners, contributors, practitioners, and donors in human resources for health and development.

  • Governments – Ministries and departments of health, education, finance, and civil service at national and local levels
  • Private Groups – Non-governmental organizations, for-profit organizations, and professional groups, unions, associations, coalitions, alliances
  • Academia – University and other educational and training institutes, including medical, nursing, public health and others
  • International Agencies – United Nations agencies and organizations, World Bank and other international financial institutions
  • Donors – Governmental bilateral donors and private foundations
  • Media and Press – Journalists, newspapers, and mass media outlets
  • The JLI would like to thank the following sponsors and partners for their continuous support
  1. Atlantic Philanthropies, USA
  2. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USA
  3. Department for International Development (DfID), UK
  4. Swedish Sida, Sweden
  5. The Rockefeller Foundation, USA
  6. Canadian International Development Agency, Canada
  7. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit, Germany
  8. Global Equity Initiative, Harvard University, USA
  9. JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc., USA
  10. Open Society Institute, USA
  11. World Health Organization, Switzerland
  12. World Bank, USA